Friday, November 22, 2019

Movie Review : On Your Wedding Day

Disebabkan ramai yang recommend movie ni,and kata sedih + best,  tapii bila dah tengok memang best pun! memang banyak kali jugak rasa flutter in heart gituuu 😚

The spirited charm of Park Bo Young and Kim Young Kwang's has tapped easily on viewer wistful memories of falling in love for the first time, generating positive feedback which encouraged interest from film patrons.

With its simple and comforting love story, between Hwan Seung Hee ( Park Bo Young) and Hwang Woo Yeon (Kim Young Kwang), who discover that fate leads two hearts to find love, but the right timing can make or break it. 

Firstly, Hwang Woo yeon ( Kim Young Kwang) jatuh cinta pandang pertama dengan Hwan Seung Hee (Park Bo Young), Pelajar baru sekolah dia. Dalam ramai lelaki yang minat dengan Seung Hee, Woo yeon yang berjaya berkawan tapi friendship dorang tak lama pun sebab ayah  Seung Hee datang serang keluarga dia and dia terpaksa pindah sekolah lain .

Woo yeon ni bukan pelajar pandai pun and memang tak kisah sangat pasal belajar sebenarnya tapi lepas nampak gambar Seung Hee dalam Magazine Seoul University, dia berazam untuk masuk University yang sama. Gigih dia berusaha untuk lulus ujian kemasukan universiti. 
Usaha dia tak sia-sia dan dapat course pendidikan sains sukan kat sana.

Young love dorang distrupted sebab Seung Hee in relationship tapi, beberapa tahun lepas tu, they meet again with a reversed relationship status which he gave up because he still likes her. Finally, she returns back dekat lelaki yang memang setia dengan dia almost all of her time.

Next, visual movie ni memang cantik , tempat shooting pun memang lawoo nak pula masa dorang lepak kat pantai tengok sunset. Soundtrack OST pun semua lagu sweet and syahdu yang get along so well in certain scenes.


 Disebabkan Seung Hee, Woo Yeon betul-betul berubah demi mengejar cita-cita yang dia lama impikan. eventho dia banyak tempuh banyak dugaan semata-semata nak sentiasa ada dengan Seunghee and sanggup bersusah payah untuk survive kat bandar.

This movie actually banyak main emosi "sedia tisu awal2" haha lesson i learned is how the amount of love spent and memories shared always outweighed when you emotionally hurt your partner. Also gives a pensive mood how we can never tell whether a relationship will last long when we enter it, and the happy and sad moments always go along with it.

Director : Lee Seok-Geun
Writer : Lee Seok-Geun
Cast : Park Bo-young, Kim Young-kwang
Production Company : Filmmaker R & K
Distributor : Megabox Plus M
Genre : Romantic/Comedy
Running Time : 141 minutes
Release Date : 22nd August, 2018
Rate : ★★★★★/ 5

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